Brixham Heritage Sailing Regatta
A celebration of vessels from a bygone era
Arrival in Brixham can be on the Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Discounted mooring on the Town Heritage Pontoon applies Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Details TBA.
(If you need assistance prior to arrival please call 07484 150 257)
Brixham Yacht Club will be hosting the Regatta. Please pre-book all meals with the exception of Saturday evening by calling the Club on 01803 853332.
The complimentary Fish Supper takes place on the Saturday evening.
The Skippers briefing, Regatta, Prize Giving and Raffle will be on the Sunday.
Some of the times and events listed below may be changed slightly to fit in with any revisions made by the Heritage Committee. (Times are approximate)
FRIDAY 24th - Regatta boats start to arrive in Brixham.
From 1900 Brixham Yacht Club will have an ‘A la Carte‘ menu available. Booking essential.
SATURDAY 25th - Regatta boats arrive in Brixham
1700 - 1900 Regatta registration at Brixham Yacht Club main bar
1930 - Registration continues in Brixham Yacht Club main bar
2000 - 2100 Complimentary Fish Supper at Yacht Club for participating Skippers and up to 5 crew.
Remember: Please purchase your Sunday night curry supper tickets before Saturday!
0930 Late registration - TBD
1000 Skippers verbal briefing: Brixham Yacht Club
1130 Parade of Sail off the Breakwater
1245 Class 1 staggered start - Sailing Trawlers/Large vessels
1305 Class 2a start - Working Boats and Pilot Cutters
1310 Class 2b start - Luggers
1315 Class 3 start - Junks and small Working Boats
1320 Class 4 start - Cruiser and yachts - Gaff Rig
1325 Class 5 start - Cruiser and yachts - Bermudan Rig
1325 Class 6 start - Vessels over 30yrs old, Replicas
1600 End of Corinthian Sail-in-Company
1700 Supper at Brixham Yacht Club. It is essential that you book before Saturday for this.
1900 Prize giving at BYC
Winners flags & tankards, etc.